• Question: How does being an astronomer help people?

    Asked by eleanorbeedles to Paul, Lily on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Lily Asquith

      Lily Asquith answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Astronomers help me by filling me with wonder, which makes me happy.

    • Photo: Paul Roche

      Paul Roche answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      It probably doesn’t, but if we were ever in danger of being hit by a giant asteroid or comet, it would be astronomers who would have to find it and figure out ways in which we might stop it…

      As an astronomer, I spend a lot of time using my area of science to help teach school students about science and maths – I can use some of the interesting areas of astronomy and space (like black holes, aliens, the big bang etc.) to try and make the stuff you do in school a bit more interesting. So whilst my science doesn’t really help people, I hope that the educational work that I do will make science a bit more interesting and exciting for you.
