• Question: i was reading about what you would do with the money and when i came across fossilised dinosaur poo, it made me wonder what are you going to use it for?

    Asked by daniellaa96 to Paul on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Paul Roche

      Paul Roche answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      I take various things into schools, including various things relating to the “death of the dinosaurs” – so I have a load of meteorites (including bits of the Moon and Mars), plus also some real dinosaur fossils. But the most exciting thing (as far as primary school children are concerned!) seems to be the coprolite specimen I have – that’s dino poo to you and me…

      I like being able to take stuff into schools that you would not normally get to see or use – so space rocks, dino fossils, rockets, liquid nitrogen etc. It makes science more fun.
