• Question: Sarah, do you think far in the future that there could be a machine that you just typed in what food or drink you wanted, and it gave it you.. but it made it out of water?

    Asked by hollylewisdavies to Sarah on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sarah Bardsley

      Sarah Bardsley answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Hmm. Don’t think so. It would be impossible to turn water into solid food.

      I have heard about scientists looking to make meat in the laboratory though. This could alleviate animal cruelty and prevent damage to the environment from farming. So they take stem cells from an animal like a cow and grow meat within a 3d structure which can replicate movement to help build-up muscles.

      So in the future our meat could come from a lab rather than a farm. Some people don’t think that would appeal to consumers. What do you think? Would you think synthetic meat is gross?
