• Question: What are your views on global warming??

    Asked by ena145 to Lily on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Lily Asquith

      Lily Asquith answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Global warming and cooling has occurred `naturally’ lots of times in the past.

      We were never around to observe it before. There were humans around in the last ice age and they may have been complaining about the weather (which seems particularly likely if they were British cave people) but they weren’t taking measurements or anything, as far as we know they were just hunting beasts and picking fruit and stuff like that.

      Over the last hundred years we have contributed vast amounts of CO2 and other nasties into our atmosphere. And now we know that this is not helpful. We also know that the planet is getting warmer very quickly.

      So the climate scientists (although, strangely enough, not the ones who are being paid large sums of money by oil companies) feel that because

      A) We 100% know that CO2 causes warming
      B) We 100% know that warming will result in mass extinctions, possibly including humans
      C) We 100% know that the planet is getting warmer

      we should probably think about reducing our C02 emissions.

      The counter argument (oil companies etc.) is that (C) is not caused by (A), but is just a natural variation in the Earth’s temperature.
