• Question: What is biochemistry? lots of detail please

    Asked by dude to Mark on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by indre1997, erandavitija.
    • Photo: Mark Roberts

      Mark Roberts answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Lots of detail eh?

      Well biochemistry is the study of the chemistry that makes life work – from the metabolism to make energy, all the way through to the chemical that store information in your cell (DNA) and how this information is used. It involves the study of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates – and altough lots of it is carbon chemistry there are metal ions and such too.

      It looks at all organisms from viruses and bacteria to plants and us! but generally it only considers what is going on at the small level in terms of molecules and chemistry

      If you’re interested and want to find out more try looking at:
