• Question: What is the strangest thing you have ever done either for a dare, charity or for the fun of it?

    Asked by 06kitet to Laura, Lily, Mark, Paul, Sarah on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by highburyzmz.
    • Photo: Sarah Bardsley

      Sarah Bardsley answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      The strangest thing I’ve ever done was to perform experiments on water and light 30 meters below the surface of the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of Australia. My dive instructor brought down some colourful plastic objects. At the depth we were, all the colour had been lost and they were only blue. In clear water, colours with long wavelengths (like red) are absorbed so you can’t see them. Pretty funky!

    • Photo: Lily Asquith

      Lily Asquith answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I can’t answer this without either getting into a lot of trouble or lying, so I’m not going to. Sorry!

    • Photo: Mark Roberts

      Mark Roberts answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Strangest thing – hmmm that’s difficult to answer really as depends what you mean by strange. I’ve done plays in 24hrs and been punt jousting – which is LOTS of fun!

      Does that answer the qu?

    • Photo: Paul Roche

      Paul Roche answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I’ve done some pretty stupid stuff for dares over the years, but have managed to survive those mostly unharmed (just a few broken bones, broken teeth and bruising generally…never, ever play dares with drunken rugby players…). In terms of science-related stupid stuff, I’ve walked on a fire pit full of burning hot coals at ~1200 Centigrade, to prove that it’s all about physics (heat conduction) and not some magical trance thing, and I’ve lain on beds of nails and had paving stones broken on my chest, and bricks smashed with sledge-hammers on my head…that was pretty strange…but fun too!

      I also went “on tour” with the Red Power Ranger once, as part of an educational project about the solar system for primary schools, that was sponsored by Bandai, the toy company. I ended up with this bloke from Glasgow, who was dressed as the Red Ranger, doing workshops on the scale of the solar system, in fruit-and-veg departments in Tesco stores around the UK in 2000. He was a male model, but only abut 5 foot 4 inches tall, and he really fancied himself, so every time we had a break, he’d be off wandering around the store (in costume…with false muscles and a helmet) chatting up the store workers – I usually had to go and drag him back when the next school group arrived, but once in Peterborough they allowed me to go on the tannoy system and announce “Would the Red Power Ranger please return to the fruit and veg department please…Red Ranger to Fruit and Veg….” which got a laugh from most of the shoppers…that was certainly a bit strange!

    • Photo: Laura Maliszewski

      Laura Maliszewski answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Strangest? Hmm….in high school I never wore shoes unless forced to. Not on a dare, I just didn’t like it. Pretty sure that was strange. Even for my graduation, I crossed the stage barefoot in my cap and gown.
