• Question: whats a bio chemist ? why do you want to win ? do you believe theres life on our moon?

    Asked by mixrace to Mark on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Roberts

      Mark Roberts answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      What is a biochemist – hmmm that’s tough well tough to be brief anyway. So a biochemist is someone who studies how life works in terms of chemistry. So we look at how the cells in your body work – how you metabolise food – how DNA works – how a nerve cell work – but always in terms of chemistry and chemicals.

      The largest thing a biochemist looks at is a cell really. They are mainly concerned with smaller things like enzymes, DNA etc – Does that answer the qu?

      I’ve always found it fascinating that we just work – all those chemical reactions going on in us and it just works (well most of the time) that why I chose to study biochemistry

      why do I want to win – well apart from the Kudos I’d really like to go to the BAS Science Communication conference so the money would really help!

      Do I think there is life on the moon – erm as far as I know we haven’t found life on the moon yet – though it does all hinge on if there is water as that is very important for our kind of life. Last year NASA said they might have found some water there so it is still possible there is life, but we haven’t found it yet- though if there is my bet is it will be bacterial
